Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu(means literally “the gentle fighting art'') this is an ‘empty handed’ extension of sword fighting art by the Japanese Samurai.


The true ancient art name is called Aiki Jiu Jitsu. This art involves: throws, joint locks, strikes, chokes and blocks. The art of Aiki Jujitsu went through a number of changes during the late 1800s up to the early 1900s. It was Jigoro Kano who removed many dangerous techniques which created Judo (“the gentle way''). This allowed the student to practice at full speed against the resisting opponent, however, with far lower injuries to the participants that normally happened when practicing Jiu Jitsuat full speed.


About this time, Morehei Uyeshiba used a different set of techniques and created Aikido. (the jitsu is the fighting style. The A do is the way.) Then a Korean by the name of Yong Suhl Choi did a combination of Jiu Jitsu techniques using the kicks and the punches which are prevalent in the Korean martial arts and created Hapkido. (Hapkido is the way the Koreans pronounce the Kanji which in Japanese is pronounced as Aikido.)

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